How Does the Hand Pump Help Create Access to Clean Water?
PESAF implemented a project to provide safe drinking water sources in Pakistan. Team PESAF after the need assessment survey, finalises the Safe Drinking Water Project work plan. Team PESAF plans to function installations fully, adequately manage 25 Hand Pumps,
Social Mobilization is a tool for supporting rural men and women in
their efforts to alleviate poverty. It encourages men and women to
form a group to actively empower people to manage local
development initiatives. Orientation sessions were conducted to mobilise the communities
around health and hygiene, good practices, and safe drinking water
for good health. PESAF social mobilisation team shared the
introduction with Safe Drinking Water Project details and its expected
outcomes for the lives of communities.
PESAF Social Mobilization team formed a village water committee in
each village to engage the local community from the start of the Safe
Drinking water Project to identify the beneficiaries, and site for Hand
Pumps, ensuring the quality of work and ownership development of
the program. PESAF prepared a one-page brief handing over
documents signed by each person to whom the hand pump was
handed over.
The PESAF team provided them with orientation
regarding hand pump maintenance through technical persons. It was
decided that this caretaker would be responsible for looking after the
hand pumps